Twitter Presentation - To Tweet or Not to Tweet
Momentum² was pleased to be invited by the Commonwealth Bank to give a presentation on Twitter to the bank’s not-for-profit clients. We enjoyed the opportunity to discuss best and worst practice with a range of not-for-profit organisations in Sydney, some of which we have worked with in the past.
The presentation covered emerging trends, legal issues, social media policy and touched on fundraising. We’d like to share the top Twitter take-outs from this event:
Develop a social media policy which includes but is not limited to:
Use of language and tone
Proviso over staff’s rights to comment on corporate matters on their own social media
Proviso that views expressed must be that of the company and not personal ones
Proviso on personal endorsements which are not in line with company policy
Agreed method of responding to complaints and negative comments
Agreed use of hashtags and retweeting
Train staff on this policy and risk issues involving Twitter including but not limited to:
Commenting on court cases in progress
Deleting tweets
Use of social media in crisis management
Establish a social media plan which covers:
Schedule of tweets
Different audiences e.g donors, clients
Use of visuals, links and graphics
Aligns with and supports the company’s marketing and communications plan and brand
Identifies opportunities for cross promotion
Be engaging through humour or use of language or images